Here are a few photos taken using macro mode on my digital camera. Do you see the honey bee? There is also an ant some where.
*I set out to "invent" a great and unique "kid pudding". I collected all
of the pudding recipes from my recipe box and started combining and
tweaking them...
3 weeks ago
Beautiful flowers. The soil there must be very fertile indeed.
ReplyDeleteThe volcanic soil in NZ is very fertile and excellent for gardening. Every thing grows easily.
ReplyDeleteI just happen to run across this page trying to figure out how to add a slideshow to my blog. but your photographs are beautiful. And I did see the honeybee and the ant.
What lovely photos! It is nice to see a face behind the name I see helping others as I am trying to help my daughter with her blog.
ReplyDeleteI hope your next sailing day is lovely!